Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 7: Muddy-Virtualization

I found the concept of virtualization very difficult to understand this week. At first, I thought virtualization was somehow connected to the concept of cloud-based computing. When I hear the word virtual in virtualization, internet was the first initial thought. I was wrong and so I assumed that virtualization was the same concept as "Boot Camp" or "Dual Boot". Then, Professor Olson indicated later in the video that they were completely different and then it was back to square one for me. 
Now the question is: "What is Virtualization?"

Virtualization is having to use a single computer system to run multiple virtual versions of operating system, server, storage device, or network resources.

Now the question is: " What is Virtualization again?"

The definition was not very helpful at all. After watching the lecture video and doing some research online, I was able to comprehend the concept. I found an IT blog on the net that provided a very clear explanation as to what virtualization is. The IT blog also uses analogies to explain the concept which makes it easier to understand.

Most of the time, our computers use only a small percentage of their total resources ( CPU, memory, disk, network). By using virtualization, we are able to fully utilize the resources that we have. Multiple operating systems will be allow to run in a single physical computer host; sharing the same resources. Instead of having multiples individual computers using only 25% or less of their total resources, we can have 3 computers, sharing a single physical computer host,  running at 80% of their total resources.

I have fun learning about virtualization this week because this topic can relate to my presentation topic. My presentation project for the class is about sustainable development and this concept is very much saying do not waste resources and be green.

The Youtube video also has a very clear explanation of virtualization. If you have a chance, please watch it.


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