Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week 2: Clear- Cache

What is cache? Every now and then, I see this word appeared randomly in one of my computer's files; yet, I do not know what it is or what it does. When Professor Olson brought up this subject, I was thrilled to finally have someone to explain to me what it is all about. Thanks to Professor Olson's explanation in the video, the concept of cache was fairly easy to understand.
Cache is a memory chip built into the hard drive to stores commonly use dates or files into the RAM. The modern computer recognized that those dates will most likely be use again. The next time when you need those dates or files, the computer will be able to process them faster. The cache will made copies of those dates or files into the RAM. When you try to access those dates or files, the CPU will first check the cache before checking the hard drive. If the file in the cache matches with what the CPU is looking for, it will bring out the file in a faster manner instead of searching for it in the hard drive.
After doing some of my own research, I found out that there are other types of cache. There are cache built into the web browsers and the computer's CPU. Cache is very important because it allows our computer to performs faster. In the business world, everyone knows that time is money. It is important for us to learn how cache works because we can now understand how some of our dates are available instantly and some are not.We should also learn about cache because we need to know that there are times when we need to clear out the cache memory. Anyone can go into the cache file to steal important or confidential dates that were being stored in it.

The YouTube video below helped me to understand more about cache. The video contained the beginning step of how cache transfer the dates from hard drive to RAM. He also have great explanations of the different types of cache.

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